2024-2025 dates for
Sapientia Saturdays
For boys and girls 15 to 18 years old
(register here)
November 23, 2024
May 10, 2025

What is Sap Sat ?
Sap Sat stand for "Sapientia Saturday" :
A day of prayer, teachings, fun, community, with the Brothers and Sisters of Saint John.
It starts with registration between 8:30 and 8:45am.
During the morning, there is a teaching and group discussions, the office of the middle of the day, and Mass with the Brothers.
The lunch is provided, at the Brother's.
In the afternoon : outdoor games, another teaching, Vespers and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, opportunity for confession.
Dinner is provided and taken with brothers and sisters.
Sap Sat ends with an evening of community and fun, often around a campfire.
The day ends at 9:15 / 9:30pm, with a prayer.
What to bring for Sap Sat ?
Sport shoes
Clothes suitable for sport/walk outside and adapted to the weather.
Warm clothes for Campfire
Pen and paper
Your Bible
(If you have a RED headlamp, you can bring it to the campfire. If not, this is fine)
If you are comfortable playing the guitar at a campfire, bring your guitar.
Special dietary needs : We will unfortunately not be able to provide special meals; so please bring your own meals. You will be able to store them in a fridge.
Register here in 3 steps :
Print and fill the FORMS once for all for the whole year.
And bring them with you the first time you come. No need to fill the papers again every time.
SIGN UP below for each event.
Give online, or bring your free donation with you.
Suggestion for SAP SAT : $ 25 per participant
Cash or checks made to "Congregation of Saint John"