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Christmas Retreat Schedule



Dec 21st - 23rd, 2018


5:00pm Arrival

7:00 Introductions

8:00  1st Conference

9:00 Mass followed by extended thanksgiving

10:00 Salve


6:15am Silent Prayer (optional)

7:00 Lauds

7:30 Breakfast 

8:15  Lectio

9:15 2nd Conference

10:15 3rd Conference

11:30 Midday Prayer, Mass

1:00pm Lunch + Dishes

2:00 Recreational Coffee (optional)

2:00 Option of Rosary, Personal time or Spiritual Direction

4:15 4th Conference

5:30 Holy Hour

6:30  Vespers

7:00 Dinner

7:50 Hot Chocolate (optional)

8:15 Q&A (optional)

8:45 All Night Adoration

10:00 Salve


5:30am Vigils (optional)

6:15 Silent Prayer (optional)

7:00 Lauds

7:30 Breakfast

8:30 Packing up

9:00 Lectio

10:00 5th Conference

11:00 Midday Prayer + Mass

12:45pm Lunch (festive) + Dishes + CC Cleanup

2:00 Where do we go from here (Farewell)

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1 comentário

Kenneth B
Kenneth B
10 de out. de 2021

First time reading this thanks for sharing

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