Summer 2022 schedule
Dear Friends, Here attached is the Brs' summer schedule. It starts June 27 and goes until September 10, 2022. May the Lord fill you with...
Summer 2022 schedule
Final message of the first session of the General Chapter
Retreat of Holy Week 2022
Family Faith Fest June 5th 2022: "Receive the Holy Spirit"
Holy Week schedule 2022
"As the Deer"
Eagle Eye Summer Institute
Dates Knights of St John 2021-2022
St. John Spiritual Conference
Spiritual Conferences, Princeville, Academic Year 2021-22
Young Adult Retreat
Rejoice! mini retreat
Adore with Joy!
Rejoice! mini retreat
Adore with Joy!
Rejoice! Mini Retreat
Adoration until 12 midnight
Sap Sat 0ct 9th
A Path for All: The Little Way of St Therese