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Priests' Retreat February 8-12, 2021

"You are a priest for ever,

according to the order of Melchizedek"(He 5:6)

Meditations on Christ’s Priesthood

Priests’ retreat February 8-12, 2021 Preached by Fr. Hugh Mary, c.s.j.

Sunday, February 7th 5:30 Vespers (Evening Prayer)

Possibility to arrive on 6:00-7:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Sunday afternoon or night Please let us know your expected arrival time

Welcome and room assignments

Monday, February 8th 6:15 a.m. Silent prayer (Morning Prayer in private), ad lib

Desert Day 7:30 Latin Mass (Brothers’ Chapel)

All offices in private 7:30 English Mass (Contemplative Sisters’ Chapel)

Meals in self-service 8:30-9:00 Breakfast in self-service (Brothers' Refectory)

9:00-10:00 Welcome and room assignments

10:15 1st talk (Conference center)

11:30 Private Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

12:45 p.m. Lunch in self-service

2:00-5:00 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, ad libitum

5:15 2nd talk

6:45-7:30 Dinner in self-service

*7:30 Confessions available (Chapel confessional)

Tuesday, February 9th 6:15 a.m. Silent prayer, ad libitum

7:00 Lauds (Morning Prayer), optional

7:30-8:30 Breakfast in self-service

9:15 Lectio Divina (Conference Center)

10:15 3rd talk

11:30 Sext (Midday Prayer)

11:45 Holy Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

1:00 p.m. Lunch, followed by dishes

2:30-3:15 Private Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

3:15-4:00 Private Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

4:15 4th talk

5:30 Vespers (Evening Prayer)

6:00-7:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

7:00 Dinner

8:00 Compline and Salve Regina

Wednesday, February 10th 6:15 a.m. Silent prayer, ad libitum

7:00 Lauds (Morning Prayer), optional

7:30-8:30 Breakfast in self-service

9:15 Lectio Divina (Conference Center)

10:15 5th talk

11:30 Sext (Midday Prayer)

11:45 Holy Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

1:00 p.m. Lunch, followed by dishes

2:30-3:15 Private Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

3:15-4:00 Private Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

4:15 6th talk

5:30 Vespers (Evening Prayer)

6:00-7:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

7:00 Dinner

8:00 Compline and Salve Regina

Thursday, February 11th 6:15 a.m. Silent prayer, ad libitum

7:00 Lauds (Morning Prayer), optional

7:30-8:30 Breakfast in self-service

9:15 Lectio Divina (Conference Center)

10:15 7th talk

11:30 Sext (Midday Prayer)

11:45 Holy Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

1:00 p.m. Lunch, followed by dishes

3:00-3:45 Private Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

3:45-4:30 Private Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

4:45 8th talk

6:00 Vespers (Evening Prayer)

6:45 -7:30 Dinner in self-service

8:00-11:30 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, ad libitum

Friday, February 12th 6:15 a.m. Silent prayer, ad libitum

7:00 Lauds (Morning Prayer), optional

7:30 Private Mass (Possibility to concelebrate)

7:30-9:30 Breakfast in self-service

Possibility to stay longer Please let us know your ETD

9:30 End of retreat – Have a blessed Lenten Season

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